

It's me again, your friendly neighborhood two-year old!
In addition to celebrating my birthday, on my actual birthday,
I had a rockin' par-tay at my Grandpa and Grandma's house in Minnesota!
Lots of people showed up to help me celebrate!
Unfortunately, it started to rain about half way through,
but my Grandpa hurriedly cleaned up the garage and we moved the whole shin-dig indoors!
Mommy finally figured out how to upload more than 5 pictures
(don't judge-it takes some time to figure out these high tech, new fangled devices).
So here are some highlights from my party.
In the above pic I was really amused by the puppy puppet card--what a hoot!

Here's me with Mommy and Daddy.
They put two candles into one of the cupcakes Mommy made, and then lit them on fire!
That part was cool. Then EVERYONE at the party started to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me.
That was NOT cool--it FREAKED me out!
I lost my composure and started crying a little bit (give me a break--I'm two!).
Mommy gave me lots of hugs and kisses and told me it would be okay.
I believed her and regained my composure.
She helped me to blow out my candles and then I went to town on that delicious cupcake!
There is nothing like wacky cake and pudding frosting, together they are a magical treat.
I should know, as Mommy made me a WHOLE CAKE for my birthday celebration at home! Yesterday I heard her mention she had the ingredients for another cake!
Whoo Hoo! I hope she makes it soon!

Here Daddy and I are starting the opening of my presents! It was clothes!
I got a lot of clothes--it's not that I don't like new clothes, but hey I'm a boy and I'm two!
Mommy seemed pretty excited by them though, so I played along!

This bag held five 'baby' Tonka cars to go with my 'big' Tonka cars.
To be honest once I opened these I did not really want to open anymore.
Mommy and Daddy insisted I go on though.
So I held as many of the baby cars as I could while "helping" Daddy open the rest of my gifts.
I am pretty good with one hand!

This is a wooden car, that my Uncle Rudy handmade for me!
He says it's a Volkswagon!
I didn't really care what kind of car it was--it's a car and one can never have too many cars!

Look here! Berenstein Bears books--these are from my Grandpa and Grandma!
I really like the 'bears' as I call them!
My BFF Landry got me a sweet DVD of the 'bears' that I like to watch.
Mommy also found them on the TV for me too!

Look a this awesome blanket with balls on it!
Balls are my second favorite thing!
I have to wait to use it though.
Mommy says I can use it this winter when I get my big boy bed!
It is just way too hot now!

Oooh this box had a ton of goodies in it, including a new Thomas Train
and a mouse movie--no not Mickey, Stuart Little!
Auntie Tawnda had heard that I'd never seen it and figured she better get it for me!
I have seen Ratatouille and that movie was pretty sweet, so I know I'll like Stuart!

This was the last gift I opened.
Can you believe it?
It's a sweet new ride from my Auntie Jess and Uncle Goober!
It has Diego on it!
I'll post more pics of me hot roddin' a little later!
My Cousin Evie was pretty jealous of this sweet ride!
She tried to get on it, and was not a happy camper when they took her away from it.
I decided to be a good boy and share my bike--
but not for very long!
Maybe Auntie Jess and Uncle Goober will get her her own bike for her upcoming birthday!
All in all I'd say that this was one great party! Thank you to all my family and friends who helped me to celebrate and for all the awesome gifts! Later!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Xander, your birthday par-tay was a blast! Thank you for inviting us! I'm glad you had a good time. We miss you, lots and lots and lots!!

Auntie Tawnda

ps. We bought Evie a sweet bike like yours. She likes it but I think she likes to play with toys that are not hers better.