
I'm Back Baby!

Hey there folks! It has been a long time! I have lots of tales to tell.
Where to start?

Well, Mommy and I went to the airport on June 9th to pick up my Grandpa Jeff. I was so excited for Grandpa Jeff to get here I kept asking Mommy "Grandpa comin'?" Well when he finally got here (his plane was late), I acted a little shy, but that soon ended and then I was all about my Grandpa! On our way home from the airport Mommy got a call from Daddy--something about his car breaking. It didn't bother me, we got to pick Daddy up! Daddy was not a happy camper though, and that is putting it mildly. Mommy was a little agitated because we were supposed to leave for MN the next day, but we couldn't leave Daddy stranded, so she had to adjust her plans. Grandpa was tired, as he had basically left work and then hopped a plane to see us!
Me? Well, I was just excited to have my Grandpa here and
for us to start our trip to Minnesota!

The next morning we left and first had to check on Daddy's car-so it could get fixed. Then we brought Daddy to work. Then Mommy forgot her purse and camera on the kitchen table so we had to run back to the house--luckily we were still close to home! When we did finally get on the road, we drove a LONG time! We stopped and stayed overnight in a hotel. I was pretty wound up from being in the car all day and just wanted to run, but finally Mommy convinced me to lay down on the bed next to her. The next thing I knew it was morning, I was in the Pack and Play, and we were getting ready to leave again!

The next day was not as long as the first, and I did better, mainly because I was so excited to get to Minnesota to see my aunties, uncles, cousins, grandmas and grandpas. It took us 2 whole days to get to Minnesota. We stopped at my cousin Evie's house the second night and the above picture is us getting reacquainted. I had fun playing with her toys, although neither she nor I seemed to like to share. Of course I did not know how this was going to affect me at the time, but that is for another day! One cool thing is I got to sleep in her room and she had a cool sound machine, I usually listen to music, but the sound machine was pretty cool--it was like a waterfall or something. Mommy set up the Pack and Play and after a little bit of chatting we were out! The next day we drove the rest of the way to Grandpa and Grandma's house! Auntie Tawnda and Evie also came up with us! Once we got to Grandma and Grandpa's, that is when the fun really started! More stories to come!
Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Can't wait to hear the rest Xander. Auntie is missing you lots!!

Auntie Tawnda