
A "Fishin'" We Will Go! Part 2!

So back to our story of the boat ride with Grandpa!
I got lucky with my life jacket--it fit pretty well.
Evie on the other hand had to suffer with what I like to call "Turtle Syndrome".
She kind of looks like a turtle sticking her head out of the shell!
Poor girl! Anyways, more on our boat ride.

We were lucky enough to see some wildlife while on our ride.
It is hard to see in the picture, but that is a loon,
which happens to be the state bird of Minnesota.
I was kind of disappointed that I did not get to hear the loon call,
because Mommy says it is pretty cool, but I'll take what I can get!

This eagle flew right over us, and Grandpa said that it must have a nest in that tree.
Pretty cool! Not only do I get to see Minnesota's state bird,
but I also get to see the nations bird as well! Awesome!!!!

Evie and I found Grandpa's live well--which in case you don't know--holds fish!
As we weren't doing any fishing, Grandpa just filled it up with lake water and we splashed around in it! Lots of fun!

Grandpa even let me drive the boat! For some reason however, Mommy get grabbing the wheel and turning it. I had to give her the "Back off" look, as I knew where I wanted to go! The best part of the whole trip though was when Grandpa picked up speed on the boat and I hung my arms over the side and got wet. Mommy doesn't have any pictures of this, because she had to hold onto me with both hands as I was leaning as far as I could over the side. I even tried to climb over a couple of times! The water felt so good and it was so fun having it splash on my arms and face. When we finally got back to shore Evie and I were soaked from head to toe! But it was so much fun! If you want to see pics of me hanging over the side, check out my Auntie's blog--you can find the link here on Mommy's blog! Until next time!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Xander Auntie Tawnda would appreciate it if you wouldn't post such hideous photos of her;o) I loved watching you have fun with water though, I will get them to your mama asap!

Auntie T