
Festival Schmestival!

So on the day that we were supposed to pick Daddy up from the airport, Mommy, Grandma and Auntie Tawnda decided to drag us (me, Evie, Grandpa and Uncle Shawn) to some crazy festival (code for crap I don't want to look at) called "Land of the Loon". It was a pretty long drive (not as long as the trip to MN of course-nothing will ever be that long!). Thankfully Grandma decided to ride in our car and she sat next to me! Well she and I had some good times while Mommy was driving. Grandma can make money come out of my ear! I kid you not, she's the real deal! She pulled like 40 cents out before we even got to the festival. We finally arrived at the festival and all the grown-ups were pretty hungry. They wondered around looking at stuff--trying to figure out what they wanted to eat--me all I wanted was some ice cream! Evie looking adorable in the outfit Mommy picked out for her!
Please note the freedom from the stroller--it came but for a brief moment!
Grandpa only had to wait FOREVER to get me this delicious ice cream cone!
Mommy turned my hat all crazy like, so I wouldn't get chocolate on it.
Looking back, I wish she'd just taken it off--I look like such a dork!

Evie enjoying her ice cream--from a cup!
Where's the fun in that! Cone all the way!
Yeah I got a little messy, but that's half the fun!
Overall the festival rated a 5 out of 10 on my scale of fun!
Ice cream rates pretty high! Later!


Rae said...

Xander you rate 10 out of 10 on my scale of fun!!

Auntie Tawnda

Anonymous said...

I rated it 5/10 too Xander. 5 only because of the great family I got to hang out with. (otherwise 1.5/10)

Uncle Shawn