
Only one more month til my birthday!

So today is May 6th, 2009. In approximately one month I will be two years old! Yeah!!! I can't wait! I have even been practicing saying "Happy Birthday". It was helpful that my daddy's birthday was last Friday and my Auntie Jessie's and Grandpa Jeff's birthdays are coming up! Mommy and I sang to Daddy on his birthday, it was fun!

I have been very busy learning this last year! I know all my colors, my basic shapes, my numbers up to fifteen in English and ten in Spanish. I am pretty good at identifying animals and as a bonus, I will usually throw in the sound that the animal makes! I have also learned my letters, but sometimes a few of them trick me, especially the N and Y! I know that X-A-N-D-E-R spells Xander, but I cannot spell my name--yet (or maybe I can and just don't want to!!) I have also started singing, but I like to make the motions more and throw in a few key words. Mommy helps me by singing the whole song, or is it that I am helping her sing the song--hard to tell. Nonetheless it is quite fun, and we are pretty good, if I do say so!

I have begun using a lot more two word and three word sentences too! My favorite's are "Is it?", "Is that?", "What letter's this?", "I need!", "Want it!", "Want to!", "Cranky Cano (Volcano)", "Nap time"(though I don't really like nap time), "Like it," and "Swipe It!"

I have become more of a picky eater in my old age! Before I would eat whatever you put in front of me--not so much now. Here are the things I like! Fruit snacks (I'd would eat them all day long if Mommy and Daddy would let me!), fruit (any kind), yogurt, cheese, yoli's (ravioli's), peanut butter crackers, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, cereal bars, fishies (goldfish crackers), and of course cookies, cake, and ice cream (again, Mommy and Daddy don't let me have these delicious treats nearly enough). Mommy occasionally lets me have corn dogs and french fries which are DELICIOUS, but she says they are not too healthy! Occasionally I will try new things and say "Like it", but usually I am teasing. Although, I did enjoy some yummy chicken nuggets and fish sticks this week, maybe we'll try those again! My favorite beverages are juice and milk, though Daddy tries to get sneaky and offer me "ice water", sometimes I drink it just so he won't feel bad! I also like to pretend I am going to drink their coffee, it really freaks them out! But I'm not interested--to bitter for me! I will not eat veggies (my mom insists on putting them on my plate everyday--what gives?), and I don't really care for eggs or hamburger, though my parents seem to like them!

I still enjoy watching Dora and Diego, and now I even participate when they ask me questions! It's fun! I also like to play "Swipe It"(Thank you Swiper the Fox for teaching me this fun game) with Mommy and Daddy. Though I don't think they have has much fun with it as I do. I also like to pretend there are "Cano's" (Volcano's) around. I still love to play with balls, and ask Mommy for a new one every time we are in Target, she always says no! I also like cars, my "people" (Fisher Price Little People), my drum, and recently trains (Mommy and Daddy don't think I know, but they got me a Thomas Train Track for my birthday--don't worry I'll act surprised!) I also have a friend named Landry who I like to hang out with! His birthday is coming up too, as we are only three days apart! Yesterday, Mommy and I went over to his house and played in his little pool! It was so much fun, that I did not want to leave. Though Mommy said she'd talk to Daddy about us getting a pool like that! I wonder if she has? Anyways, Mommy enjoys spending time with Miss Jennifer, Landry's mommy. So it's win-win for both of us!

This is how I look when I am mad/frustrated. This has been happening more frequently, now that I'm almost two. It's just because I don't know which words to use to express myself appropriately. Mommy and Daddy have mentioned something about the "Terrible Two's", but I feel pretty good, so I am not sure what they are talking about!

I am getting pretty tall too! Mommy tried to measure me the other day, and she came up with a measurement of about 36 and 1/2 inches! Not bad! I weigh about the same, around 32 pounds, but will get the official height and weight when we go to the doctor! Normally I scream like a banshee when I go to the doctor's office, but it had been a few months, so maybe I'll behave! We'll see!

Well it's been nice talking with you, but I've got snacks to eat, and toys to play with!


Anonymous said...

Good one, darling.


Rae said...

Xander tell your mama that you are a good storyteller. I can't wait to play with you though you might have to teach me the swiper game! I love you and can't wait for your big birthday. Hopefully you won't be so shy this time around. Love you!

The Heath Fam said...

Super cute!!! I love the 'update' idea. I might have to swipe it. :)