
Friday Fill-in 12/26/2008

1. I must __make my (positive) mark on this world___ before I die.
2. You can't stop _believing in yourself and others____.
3. I wish I never had to buy _unfortunately I like buying things--but if I never had to worry where the money was coming from to pay for them!____ again.
4. _Xander___ has helped me change my life.
5. I know the song _Do kids songs count-I sure know a lot of them!____ by heart.
6. If I weren't so afraid, I would _set out to meet more people in TX, slowly but surely I'm coming around!____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _playing with Xander____, tomorrow my plans include _getting a haircut?____ and Sunday, I want to __spend time with Chris and Xander___!

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