
What's Mommy doin' to me?

So Mommy and I were hanging out last Friday
--cuz Daddy was playing Magic--
and we were having fun with my stacking number cups.
Well then she put the one and two cups on my ears!
I was a little shocked, I wasn't sure I was cool with it, ya know.
Mommy thought it was funny and ran to get the camera!

Mommy was trying to get me to smile,
but I decided to play it cool.

No Mommy, I am not going to play your little game
--I will not smile!

A man has to keep his integrity somehow!
Now, don't tell Mommy but I thought this game was hilarious,
and I am laughing on the inside!
As soon as she put that camera away I smiled and laughed
and shook my head until the cups came off.
Then I had her put them back on like 10 more times!
Good times, good times!
I told Daddy about it on Sunday
and he put the 5 and 6 cups on his ears--pretty funny,
but Mommy wasn't fast enough with the camera for that little gem!!


The Heath Fam said...

These pictures are keepers, for sure. I see some future blackmailing in the works...

Anonymous said...

He can be so serious... I love it. Can't wait to see you in just a few days.
