
It's just me again.

Hello I'm back! Did you miss me?
Even though it's only been a day I missed you too.
Now where were we? Oh yes...

Mommy and I made a lot of cookies over the holiday season. I really like cookies. I wish I could eat them all the time, but Mommy says they are not healthy and for a treat only. Oh well, all the practice I had making cookies led up to the mack daddy of cookie making. That's right, making cookies for the big guy himself--Santa.

I started out doing really well. I was carefully using the knife to spread frosting on my cookies, but then I got a little on my hand and well, I just couldn't help myself. I had tasted the sweet, sweet nectar that is frosting, and I had to have more. Looking back on it now I am a little embarrassed, but at the time licking the knife seemed like a good idea.

I finally got back in control and finished up with my cookies for Santa. I added just the right amount of sprinkles and sugar. I even added a little spit to one of the cookies, for extra flavor. Nah, I did it so Mommy and Daddy would let me eat one--I am so sneaky! After we sampled some cookies Mommy and I put some on the special plate for Santa and we also got some carrots and put them on the special plate for the reindeer. I had to remind Mommy to not forget the milk for Santa. Santa must have milk with his cookies.

After we did all of that Mommy and Daddy let me open two presents. They were so awesome. I got ALL the "Cars" cars that I had been missing and some bonus ones I didn't know I needed. I also got a play rug that is like my favorite town-Radiator Springs. And if that wasn't enough I woke up the next morning and came downstairs to find...

Santa had come!!!! He brought me a kitchen and table and chairs and all the fun stuff that goes with it. I also got LOTS of cool new toys from my family and friends. It was the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!

Mommy said she'd be posting some pages of me opening my presents so I am only showing you a couple of pics. It was a lot of fun and now whenever we get a package at the door or in the mail I MUST help Mommy open it. She really appreciates my enthusiasm and help.

No I am not a member of the Village People. I know there are lots of men out their who rock the tool belt without pants look, they just don't let themselves be photographed. You know who you are. Mommy and Daddy are pretty noobish when it comes to home maintenance, having lived in an apartment for over 10 years, so I have been doing a lot of work around the house for them.

Since Mommy has been talking up us visiting some schools, I thought I better make myself presentable, so I got a haircut. It is a little shorter than I wanted, but what are you going to do? Thankfully, I have a nice warm hat for those few days when the temperature gets chilly. I also figured, that since I was two and a half, I better get to shaving.

Shaving is a lot of work and I am putting in the request for an electric razor.

Well, now I am looking sharp and I am ready to check out some schools.
I'll let you know how that all works out.
Until next time my peeps--keep it real.


The Heath Fam said...

Too cute!!! Glad you're clean shaven, kiddo! :)

Anonymous said...

Man i can't believe how much xander has grown since we last seen him.Hard to believe he is shaving already just remember once you start you cant stop. Love the pictures very cute.
Love Always Grandpa Jeff

Anonymous said...

Xander, you are just too funny and growing up so fast. You and Mommy could make a good living selling these stories. Love, Grandma Peg

Rae said...

Xander you are a card! Love you! Auntie Tawnda

Anonymous said...

love the pics and commentary about all the fun of Christmas season!
Was rapt to see the pic of Xander with the decoration; thank you so much for that "mum".