
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! My goals for 2010 are:

1. Take on the 52 Scrapbooking Challenges. I have both books, but I am starting with the first one by Elsie Flannigan. I will post 1 challenge a week and not only will I being trying something new, but I will also complete 52 pages! Woot Woot!

2. Eat healthier and exercise more. It's got to be done! Notice I didn't say lose weight :)

3. Read at least one book a month. I did really well last year, but finished only 10 books.

4. Try at least one new recipe a month--last year it was a week (and that didn't last long). I'll be a little more lenient this year :)

5. Last, but not least--try to stay better organized. I hate clutter, but I find myself always surrounded by it.

Here's to a great 2010!


Rae said...

Post them on your mirror where you'll see them everyday. I did and it really helped me. Here were my goals from 2009 that I achieved:

1. Get pregnant. CHECK.
2. Stop drinking MD. CHECK.
3. Increase water. CHECK.
4. Take prenatal s regularly. CHECK.
5. Read Bible regularly. CHECK.

I haven't done my goals for 2010 but I will by next week. I'll post them on my blog when I finish them.


Anonymous said...

And you girls were harassing me about my lists! You're doing the same thing. Just because my lists are more detailed and 10 pages long....
