
Just Me and My BFF

So my buddy Landry and I have been hangin' out some--tryin' to stay cool with all these 100+ degree days. Here are some of the things we've been up to...

While Mommy and I were gone to Minnesota, Landry and Miss Jennifer found this sweet park with a splash/fountain area. Well it seems that the ol' Texas drought caused it to be shut down on the day we decided to try it out with them! Nonetheless Landry and I had fun.

Though runnin' around in the 100+ degree weather sure makes you hot and thirsty,
especially if you are in your swim clothes and covered with sunscreen!

The slide was super fun!

We've tried a couple more water/splash parks since this day to no avail,
but Miss Jennifer and Landry found another one with working water--
so hopefully we can COOL off!

Miss Jennifer had to run to a Dr. appointment and
I got lucky because Landry got to come over and play with me!
I always like it when he plays at my house!
All though I wasn't too keen on him messin' with my Cars toys--
Tow Mater and Lightning are off limits (even to Mommy and Daddy!).

Here we are playing with the FP Little People Toys!

Here I am shocked and amazed that he can sing the Farmer in the Dell!
He sure has some awesome musical abilities!
Not only can he sing, but he can play a mean Lego saxophone and trumpet!

Here we are at our very first movie in a movie theater!
Mommy and Miss Jennifer took us to see Kung Fu Panda.

It was nice and cool in the movie theater, but a little too dark!

It was a good movie, and I am hoping Mommy takes me again--
next week they are playing something called Barnyard!
Not sure what that is, but it sounds like good times! Later!


Rae said...

Sure wish you had a Xander taco picture, but you sure are cute to watch anyhow!! Tell your mama to post a movie once in awhile too. We loved the last one of you talking! Evie sure enjoyed it too!! Love you!

Auntie Tawnda

The Heath Fam said...

How cute are they!??!?!?!? (So I might be a little biased...) What fun times they've had, huh?