
This Ain't My First Rodeo...

Oh wait it IS my first rodeo!  
Daddy, Mommy and I made our first trip to the 
Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show 
on March 12th.  It was a lot of fun, but crazy busy. 

Here I am getting a feel for being a cowboy!  
These boots were Grandpa Paul's, until Daddy "borrowed" them!  
They look pretty good on me, don't you think?

They had a whole area at the Rodeo just for kids, and there were lots of us there.  
Busloads in fact.  That's right lots of school kids--they were everywhere.  I got to see a lot of animals, including brand new baby cows, chickens, and pigs.  
I also collected these cool trading cards all over the kids area.  
I am pretty excited by my cards, they have lots
of interesting facts about animals on them. 
Nothing like fun and learning mixed together, right!?!?!?!?

Here Daddy and I are in the petting zoo.  Isn't this little piggy cute?

Look at this pretty rabbit.

Here I am driving a tractor--sorry Grandpa Jeff, I looked for the Allis Chalmers, 
but they didn't have any!  I'll have to drive yours when we visit in May!

Here we are with some of our friends from Mommy's Mom's Group.

Here's the free photo we had taken at the Rodeo.  I was trying to get down, Daddy said he should have held me.  Oh well!  I can't wait to go back next year!  Of course I will have to get a cowboy hat and boots, so I can be a real cowboy!  Until next time my peeps!


Rae said...

Great day Xander! I love the picture of you in Grandpa Paul's boots, especially because of the way your little belly protruds! Tell your daddy his hair is looking a little too "Wild West" ;o)

Auntie Tawnda

Anonymous said...

It looked like he was having fun!


Mom V

Anonymous said...

Don't no if grandpa likes you on that green tractor, orange is the only color for us.
Love grandpa Jeff