

I have been playing around and learning how to create with Photoshop Elements.
I have even bought a couple of books to help me along the way.
I created this page yesterday.
I designed and created the background "paper".
I am also really into red and turquoise.
Not too bad for a beginner, if I do say so myself!!


The Heath Fam said...

Nice work!!! I'm impressed. But what are they doing to the refrigerator!?!??!?!!

Rae said...

Great job, Keesha. Jennifer makes a good point, though! You need to add journaling to explain what they are doing. I can't wait to check everything out when I'm there. Decide if I want to do some digital as well.

Love you!

keeshaobrien said...

I think it is some what obvious what they are doing! Drawing on the refrigerator! Why-might be the better question! The answer to that is because Grandma let them! That way she could have their "artwork" all the time! That is the nice thing about digital--I can go back and change it! As this was a practice one--I wasn't expecting magazine worthy results, just fun learning!