
How do I LOVE you?

My Mommy is pretty special! She made this page about all the reasons she loves me. I mean really, what's not to love? In case you have a hard time reading off the computer (like my Mommy--I think she needs glasses) I'll write what she wrote.

How do I LOVE you? Let me count the ways:

1. Your boundless energy
2. Your infectious laugh
3. Your gap-toothed smile
4. Your big blue eyes
5. Your loving hugs
6. Your silliness
7. Your sweet disposition
8. Your eagerness to learn
9. Your "one more" games
10. Your forehead kisses
and about a MILLION other ways!

Thanks Mommy--I love you (and Daddy) too!

It's been awhile since you got to see some video of yours truly.
Now this video is a little long, but I am sure you'll be amused every second,
and the end is the best part! Later!

The page above was created using a digital kit called "About A Boy" by Flergs,
available at Scrapbookgraphics.com


Rae said...

Can't wait to see you all! Love that you have to keep him in the chair to video him. Evie LOVES watching him. We'll have video of Evie soon. Love you,

Peace out,

Anonymous said...

Evie say love you can't wait to see you.


Anonymous said...

Xander appears to be leaving his shyness behind! He sure brings us joy!

Love, Grandma Peg

Anonymous said...

So cute as usual!! Can't wait to see him again!


Auntie Jess and Uncle Goober