

Despite the economy and other worldly worries, this Friday I opted to list some of the things I am thankful for!

1. My precious little boy-- who will be turning two in approximately 72 days, or 2 months 11 days. Hard to believe, I know! I am in the process of planning his party, and the plan is to have it up in Minnesota w/the family!
2. My hubby! Who is still letting me be a SAHM, even though he is always saying how poor we are! Love ya babe!
3. Naptime--not only does Xander wake up refreshed and raring to go, but it gives Mommy some "me"time!
4. Spring in Texas! It is like summer in Minnesota! Highs in the 70's--B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
5. A yard to do yard work in, and a house to housework in! Since we've lived in an apartment for the last 10+ years, having a yard and a house and having to maintain it is nice! Of course I may not be as thankful come July/August when it is so H-O-T!
6. My family--I love you all
7. My friends--I love you all, too!
8. Dr. Seuss--thanks for writing books, that amuse me and of which I don't mind reading over and over and over!
9. Easter candy--I am going to have to say that Easter has the BEST candy of all holidays! Cadbury Mini Eggs, Cadbury Creme Eggs, Reese's Peanut butter Eggs (the hard coated ones, not the Reeses Peanut butter Cup eggs-though they are good too), and of course Peeps! But not too much of a good thing--one package of each seems to suffice until next year! Is is weird that I don't really like the one candy that is synonymous with Easter--jelly beans!?!?!?
10. Target's Archer Farms Organic Blue Corn and Flax seed tortilla chips with the Archer Farms Peach Mango Salsa--yummy!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Love you too! Figure out when you're coming so I can take some time off at work!
