
Here's to the simple things in life!

Oh how the simple things in life bring a smile!

Do you remember the joy of the simple things in life? A really good piece of cheesecake, some really rich ice cream, a peanut butter cracker? Seeing Xander so happy eating a peanut butter cracker, makes me realize that the simple things in life really are the best. A kiss from your spouse, a hold-you-tight hug from a toddler, a hot cup of cocoa on a chilly winter day, those kinds of things really can't compare with a diamond necklace or a fancy car in my book! I love that being a mom and seeing things through my son's eyes can reawaken that for me.


Rae said...

Love the pictures. I realized that Xander looks a little like me too, today. Then I realized it's because we (you and I, and Jess) have the same eyes. Evie does not have my eyes. We've had two comments about them being brown this week. They are more hazel then anything.



Anonymous said...

I left a message on Tawnda's blog to say HI! to Dawn in Australia since we can't seem to e-mail to each other. Will do the same thing here if you'll allow it!

Love Xander's hair cut! He is adorable.
