
Some of his favorite things...

Well in a couple of weeks my little one will be 16 months old...time flies! Here are some of the things he's loving right now!

1. Dora and Diego cartoons...and I mean LOVES them. He will turn on the t.v. and wait for me to turn them on. He's also started participating more, and will clap when they clap and point at the t.v. and sometimes he runs up to the t.v.

2. Food-he will now go to his highchair when he is ready to eat, either for snack time or lunch time. He will pretty much eat anything, although he has his moods. Some of particular favorites are cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, any kind of fruit and cheesy puffs!

3. Books--he will bring us book after book for us to read to him, both story books (his favorite is Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?) or picture books he loves the ones with animals and other children.

4. His mama--having been with him now 24/7 for a little over a month, he has definitely became more of a mama's boy, and gets very clingy when strangers talk to him, or I leave his sight (unless he's watching Dora or Diego)!

5. Water-he loves to splash in the water, both outside at his water table, and at bath time. The only thing is that he sometimes splashes so hard he gets water in his face which he does not care for!

6. Going outside--he loves to go outside and especially loves the front of the house where the sidewalk and driveway are. He is not as fond of the back yard unless he's at the water table (the grass is kind of poky when he falls down). He loves to pick up rocks and sticks.

7. Balls--anytime we see a ball in a store he goes nuts! He has at least 6 different balls, and he actually has a pretty good arm, he has some pretty good distance. Sometimes he'll throw whatever's within arms reach, blocks, shoes, stuffed animals!

8. Kisses and tickles--he laughs like crazy when Chris or I tickle him, and he loves getting kisses, though he hasn't quite figured out how to give them. When I or Chris ask for kisses he leans his forehead towards us...but it is very sweet.

9. Cell phones and the house phone--he loves to hold them and he'll hold them up to his ear and say Hi or Hey, but when their is actually someone on the other end, he gets shy and will smile and wave, but clams up!

10. Last but not least Ghali and Paci--Paci short for the pacifier of course, he seems to do more biting of the thing then sucking it and he will keep an eye on it, and when we take it form him when he eats, he will go to wherever we put it on the table and if he cannot reach it himself, he starts hollering. Ghali is his lovey, and it is a giraffe/blanket. He is called Ghali because before he was born we called Xander Boutrous, as is Boutrous Boutrous Ghali! Anyways Ghali goes everywhere with us and we actually have two, so he is never without one, especially when he needs a bath (Ghali that is). Xander likes to sniff Ghali, put a corner in is eye, ear, nose, toes, and he loves to rub him between his fingers.

1 comment:

Rae said...

I've been making these lists since Evie was born. I think she will have great fun looking back and learning what she was like. I think Xander will too! I can't wait to see all his antics. Missing you all!
