
Houston we have a...snowstorm?

That's right, you read correctly!
It has snowed here in the Houston area!
This is the earliest it's ever snowed and by far the most snow I've ever seen!
(Mom says it snowed in SC my first winter, but I don't remember it!)

At first I was not impressed.
What is this cold, wet stuff blowing into my face?
Make it STOP!

Mom tried to get me to catch snowflakes on my tongue.
Again, I was not impressed.
"Too wet!" Let's go inside.

But then after a couple hours of the white stuff falling--we had accumulation.
Look at it--it's everywhere! Wow!
Mom and I decided to build us a snowman.

Don't judge his size (remember size doesn't matter).
This isn't Minnesota people--there isn't that much snow.
I named him George.

We also decided to make snowballs and throw them at the fence.
I should say I had mom make them, and I threw them!
Mom says the snow will be gone tomorrow.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Stay warm my peeps!


The Heath Fam said...

How fun!!!! Nothing like Minnesota, though, huh???

Rae said...

George is awesome! Glad you had fun!


Anonymous said...

George looks cute and that snow looked like fun Xander
We had our first 100f summer day 5th dec so seeing pics of your snow was refreshing
X Dawn

Anonymous said...

Awww! I love it! Too cute!

Love Jessie