
I know it's November, but...

I sure had a lot of fun in October. Now that I have managed to get some free time and pry Mommy away from the computer, I'll show you the good times!

Daddy was doing some stretching, and I thought he looked like a tunnel or a bridge, and that I'd fit right under. I did, so then I grabbed all my Tonka cars and we all went under the 'tunnel'.

Daddy grew weary of that game and decided to make my cars line up in shapes. I thought this was pretty cool, and wanted to sit inside the shapes.

Unfortunately I am a little too big to fully fit in the square while sitting.
Oh well, on to new things.
My Auntie Tawnda, Uncle Shawn and cousin Evie came to see us for a whole week. We did lots of fun things while they were here. Take a look.

Here Mommy, Daddy and I are at some place called the Alamo. We are one good lookin' family, if I do say so! We got there around closing time, so we didn't really learn anything, but they mentioned something about it being the birthplace of Texas Freedom and Independence.

The Alamo is right downtown in the city of San Antonio. We went to San Antonio with Auntie Tawnda, Uncle Shawn and Evie. In addition to the Alamo, we ventured down to a place called the Riverwalk. It was pretty neat, a lot of restaurants and shops and a river right in the middle of it all. There were also these boats that would zoom by us. I really wanted to ride on one, but no such luck. I will say though, that the Riverwalk is not very stroller friendly, and Evie and I had to be carried up and down the stairs in our strollers--it was very exciting and a little scary. We stayed overnight in San Antonio and I got to sleep on my own special bed on the floor. It was pretty neat, though not as comfy as my own bed. The next morning we got up, and after breakfast, headed to the San Antonio Zoo.

I always love to go to the zoo and it was even more fun having Evie there with me. We especially liked the aquarium. This picture was taken right as you come into the entrance.

Another reason I love my Auntie Tawnda--she gave me my first lollipop. It was so good.

We also took them down to Galveston, to the beach. We had never been and it was a lot of fun, although ocean water doesn't taste very good! I only wish my Daddy could have been there with us, but alas, he had to work. Nevertheless, we had fun. The water was the perfect temperature and it was a beautiful day. It was Evie and Uncle Shawn's first time in the ocean and they both liked it. It was my first time that I actually remember. Mommy says I went to the beach for the first time when I was 3 months old (I bet I did not have as much fun) . We also played in the sand and picked up seashells. Your probably wondering where the pics are. Well, Auntie Tawnda took some, but Mommy thought that they did not flatter her, so she did not ask Auntie Tawnda for copies. Oh well.

I was pretty bummed to see my family go, but I know that I'll see them again soon. In the mean time I had to get back into my routine of watching my favorite TV shows, playing with my Cars and of course making messes.

October is all about fall and pumpkins. Though here in Texas, the fall part is kind of underrated. It is so nice and warm and the trees leaves don't really change like they do up North. Oh well, I can't complain. Mommy took me to this little church run Pumpkin patch so we could pick out a few pumpkins. I wanted so many, but Mommy said we could only get three.

They had this little house, but Mommy wouldn't let me play very long in it. She said we needed to get our pumpkins. What a buzz kill.

The very next day, we met my buddy Landry and some other friends at a really nice park to decorate pumpkins and play. Notice my pumpkin--pretty snazzy right!?!? Decorating pumpkins and playing is hard work, so Lands and I decided we better take a break with a pumpkin shaped cookie. Yummy! We also decided that the table cloth needed some ventilation and poked holes in it until it was perfect.

Miss Jennifer had to bring Ryan to the doctor (poor kid) for his two month check-up, so Landry got to come over to my house to play. Mommy said I was behaving rather badly, because I did not want to share my toys with Landry. I had to go to time-out once, while he was here, how embarrassing. I finally straightened up and started playing nice. Here we are having a snack of cheese. Mmmm, I love cheese.

I finished my cheese, and was asking Landry if he wanted to share his with me. He did not.

Mommy got it in her head that we needed to do some crafting. Of course Mommy is very creative and has it in her mind what she would like me to do. I am creative too and I have it in my mind what I am going to do. Needless to say, we did not agree, but Mommy finally relaxed and let me have fun. My tree turned out pretty awesome, if I do say so. Mommy agreed.

So Mommy said that I could help her carve our pumpkins this year. I did not know what this meant, but it sounded fun. It wasn't. Mommy did not let me "carve" at all. All I got to do was scrape slimy seeds and "guts" out of the pumpkin.

I did my best and, Mommy was able to make us some decent looking "jack-o-lanterns" as she called them.

Pretty cool huh! Maybe next year I can use the tiny saw. We'll see.

To round out the month of October, I got to dress up like a pirate and go Trick or Treating. I was so excited. Daddy dressed up like a ninja and we headed out. Mommy stayed home to wait on any trick or treaters. We went out before it got dark and hit about 5 or so houses in our neighborhood. I think it was a little too early. Oh well, I had fun and got lots of candy. The best part of the night however, was when we had trick or treaters come to our door. I would run to the door with Mommy and check out all the kids and help hand out candy. While we were waiting for more kids I kept yelling "Where's kids?" It was good fun. Well that sums up my awesome October, I'll let you know how November goes! Later my peeps!


Rae said...

Xander, Xander, Xander!! I love your updates! I could read them everyday! You are such a busy boy!! MISS YOU ALL TONS!!

A. Tawnda

Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been there for all of the fun and sites. Miss you all so much!


Grandma Peg