
Sing a song! Sing out loud!

So there are the obvious developmental milestones that you look for as your child grows, you know the ones I'm talking about: rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, etc. Then there are the fun ones that catch you a little off guard when they happen, but thrill you more than you can ever know! The first deep belly laugh, clapping, waving bye-bye, saying momma and dada, and my favorite to date--singing. Xander within the last couple of weeks has started singing. It started one day with him "singing" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He doesn't say all the words, but you can tell he is singing the song. Today Itsy Bitsy Spider came on and he started singing and doing the motions! Too cute!

1 comment:

Rae said...

Tape it and post it on your blog so I can see/hear it! Wish I was there!
