
The Bunny left this in my basket!

1. Anonymous... means you a.) don't want to be judged, b.) that you don't want to hurt someone else, or c.) you don't have an account but still want to leave a comment!

2. _Chocolate __ is a _girls best friend__.

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, so that I can smother you with love and generosity_.

4. Green trees, flowers, warmth, sunshine, rain showers, baby animals, I could go on and on , is what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when there is dessert and good friends.

6. _Eggs (even if they are plastic)____ MUST go into the Easter Basket!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _chilling_, tomorrow my plans include _taking Xander to an Easter Egg Hunt____ and Sunday, I want to _relax and enjoy the day with Chris and Xander and talk to my family by phone__!


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