
Don't mess with a boy and his cupcake!

I think it's funny how serious Xander looks while eating this chocolate cupcake. He loved it and ate the entire thing, yet he did it with such intensity. Of course 20 minutes from when this picture was snapped, he was zonked out in this car seat. So it's probably a combination of concentration and sleepiness! This photo was taken by a Moms Like Me mom at the MLM sponsored event at JW Tumbles that Xander and I went to on the 25th.


Just Like That!

1. Apparently there's some sort of _reason why they stopped making original peanut butter Twix and Cookies and Cream Twix____.

2. _I love a_sunny day.

3. 2009 _has been good _ so far.

4. _I made brownies yesterday. They are delicious and _ that was it.

5. For too long I've been _putting off organizing the "office"__.

6. I am not obsessed with _shopping--I just like it! I swear! I am not obsessed!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _relaxing w/ Chris and Xander, tomorrow my plans include _taking Xander to JW Tumbles, while Chris is gone_ and Sunday, I want to _go to the local farmers market, and work in the yard_!


Sing a song! Sing out loud!

So there are the obvious developmental milestones that you look for as your child grows, you know the ones I'm talking about: rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, etc. Then there are the fun ones that catch you a little off guard when they happen, but thrill you more than you can ever know! The first deep belly laugh, clapping, waving bye-bye, saying momma and dada, and my favorite to date--singing. Xander within the last couple of weeks has started singing. It started one day with him "singing" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He doesn't say all the words, but you can tell he is singing the song. Today Itsy Bitsy Spider came on and he started singing and doing the motions! Too cute!



Some pics to brighten an otherwise dreary day!

Rainy and Stormy Days Won't Get Me Down!

1. Join me in _blog reading and creating--it's fun!____.

2. Put a little _love and laughter_ in your day!

3. Happiness is _a hug from my little boy and a kiss from my husband__.

4. _Dazed_ and confused. Man I haven't watched that movie in forever!

5. I'm waiting for _June--when we travel to MN for a visit!____.

6. _Sweet, sweet, delicious treats _ are hard to resist.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _watching a movie I DVR'd____, tomorrow my plans include going to yard sales?____ and Sunday, I want to _go to the zoo--if it is nice!!_


Aaah the simple pleasures in life!

Who knew that sharing a bowl of Trix with your little boy could be so sweet (in more ways than one) ? He didn't want the cup of Trix I offered him, he just wanted to sit in my lap and eat mine! Maybe it was the fact that mine had milk?!?!?!? Or maybe he just wanted to be with his mama! Hard to say, but I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my cereal and will always enjoy and cherish the memory.


The Bunny left this in my basket!

1. Anonymous... means you a.) don't want to be judged, b.) that you don't want to hurt someone else, or c.) you don't have an account but still want to leave a comment!

2. _Chocolate __ is a _girls best friend__.

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, so that I can smother you with love and generosity_.

4. Green trees, flowers, warmth, sunshine, rain showers, baby animals, I could go on and on , is what I look forward to most about Spring.

5. Who needs therapy when there is dessert and good friends.

6. _Eggs (even if they are plastic)____ MUST go into the Easter Basket!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _chilling_, tomorrow my plans include _taking Xander to an Easter Egg Hunt____ and Sunday, I want to _relax and enjoy the day with Chris and Xander and talk to my family by phone__!



Be who you are
and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.
--Dr. Seuss