
Weeks 21 and 22

Pages made using the project June kit and matching pieces by Crisdam Designs.


Weeks 17, 18, 19 and 20

Well now that the cat's out of the bag, 
and the big announcement has been made,
I can finally post all of the P52 pages I've done 
since finding out we were going to have kiddo number two!!
Don't worry, I won't overwhelm you with all of them, 
let's just start with four!  Enjoy!

All pages made using the Project May kit and matching pieces by Crisdam Designs!


It's really true...

 I'm going to be a BIG brother!!!!
Mommy and baby are doing well.
Mommy says that my sister or brother will be here after Christmas!
I can't wait!!!!


simply adorable

Page made using Backyard Cookin' kit and a Chipper Template both by Colie's Corner.


As Sweet As Can Be

Page made using the Summer Slice kit and a For Starter's 35 template, both by Colie's Corner.


Last Day of School 2010-2011

Today is Xander's last day of school.  I think he would have benefited staying in over the summer (they have TONS of fun activities planned-kind of like a summer day camp), but as we are going to be gone for a few weeks on vacation this summer, it really wasn't cost effective to do so.  So we kept him one week past the school district's last day of school (he started one week late, due to us being in Minnesota and we wanted him to be able to celebrate his birthday with his school friends).  I don't think he quite understands that he won't be able to see his school friends until next school year, but we'll see how it goes over the next couple of weeks.  

Here is the picture from his first day of school, back in August.

Here's the picture from today!

What a change!

As it was his last day of school, I wanted to do something special for Xander's teachers.
One of the blog's I read regularly, Eighteen25 shared an idea that they found here.
Well I loved it and here is my version.  I hope the teachers like it too.

Basically I found two good size Anchor Hocking glass containers with screw on lids at Hobby Lobby and used a freebie "Teacher Appreciation" digital kit I got from Gotta Pixel to make the inside pieces
and the attached tag.  This is what I wrote up and what is on the tag attached to the jar.  
I also added Xander's picture to the tag, in hopes that they will keep it.

I SKORed EXTRA big when I got you for a teacher.
Don’t SNICKER, but you are MOUNDS of fun
and you have brought such JOY to our class.
I am going to TAKE 5 for a FAST BREAK
to tell you how BEARY much I appreciated
all the GOOD fun and WHAT you did for me
this school year.  You have led the WAY for me
to be such a SMARTIE.  I am BURSTing with
knowledge and it is because you helped me put
the PIECES together this year.  I wish I could
TARGET today as a PAYDAY, because your
worth at least 100 GRAND to me.
Thanks for everything and I hope you have
one JOLLY ROCKin’ Summer!


This is what I put inside the jars.   
Skor, Extra gum, Snickers, Mounds, Almond Joy, Take 5, Fast Break, Gummi Bears,
Mr. GoodBar, Whatchamacallit, Milky Way, Smarties, Starburst, Reese's Pieces, 
$5 Target gift card, Payday, 100 Grand, Jolly Rancher Fruit Chews and Pop Rocks.
All told, with all supplies and candy/gift card each jar cost around $25 to make. 


4 Years Ago Today...

my world changed for the better.  
I became a mom.  
My baby is definitely no longer a baby, 
but a smart, funny, imaginative, and energetic
little boy (big boy if you ask him!).  After almost 4 years, 
I finally got the pages scrapped about his birth.  
Here they are.  
What a beautiful trip down memory lane.

All pages made using the Sick Day kit, and matching Bits and Pieces by Crisdam Designs.


It's My Party...

Today we had Xander's 4th birthday party.  
After the near heatstroke and dehydration of last years backyard birthday party, 
and our vow to NEVER have an outdoor birthday party in June again, 
we had Xander's party at Jumpin' Jacks.  
Jumpin' Jacks is a big party place with lots of inflatables and a party room.  
It was so much cooler (it is supposed to be 100 degrees today).
Xander  and his friends had a great time.
Chris and I didn't have to do a darn thing!  
Here are a few highlights of the fun!


my loves

We had to take a picture of Chris and Xander for something they were doing at Xander's school.  
Well, you know I always love pictures of my men, my loves, 
and along came this kit by Luv Ewe Designs and Shanmomto4 called Day Trippin'.  
Well the colors couldn't have been more perfect.  
The nice thing about this kit, it is actually a super cool travel kit,
and it will work great when I have pics from our summer travels to MN!



I did this page for the Twisted Pixels challenge at Gotta Pixel. 
Page made using Project February by Crisdam Designs.


One Month Ago Today!

Man, has it already been a month since we celebrated Chris' birthday?  
How time flies!  
Now we are about to celebrate another birthday, 
one that has been very much anticipated by one little boy!

Pages made using the Best Day Ever kit by Inspirations from Day.